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Is she pregnant?

22 11:26:40

I just bred my Holland Lop it's been about three days since she mated and she's geting really grumpy and territorial today I took her food bowl to feed her and she bit me so hard that I bled does this mean she's pregnant?  

There is no sure way to tell at three days if a doe is bred or not.  She may just be territorial because of being in with the buck for a short time.  Since rabbits are solitary animals, they will get aggitated when they are forced to live with other rabbits even for a few hours and even after they are separated again.

Some experienced breeders are able to palpate the abdomon of a doe at about 14 days and feel the growing kits, but it is a skill that is hard to learn and master.  At about 26 days give her a nesting box and straw, if she begins to put the straw in the box and build a nest she is probably bred.
