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Rabbit been & being treated for infection

22 10:53:06

If you squeeze the r. stomach & few min. later she leaves
pool of blood what could be wrong? She's had ultrasound &
found no calcium stones/cancer/orabnomalities.Been treated
with enrofloxacin twice, now on tetracycline.Vet wants to do Fecal Culture- looking for salmonella,etc. Do you recomend that test? Has had fecal flotation. Has been in
treatment March/April & last week I took to a new rabbit
vet. Been eating her timothy bits,slower at eating hay, but
eats up her veggies. She was losing weight rapidly, now has
regained,just over She is a choc.minirex, never
had babies & is not spayed. I am doubting she needs that
test & wondering if she needs to be spayed. Thank you for
any thoughts on this matter.  Linda Pasquariello

Dear Linda,

If she's not spayed, then the most likely culprit is her uterus.  I hope you will be able to find a good rabbit vet here ASAP:

and get her there for evaluation and a spay as soon as possible.  If she is hemorrhaging, and the vets you have seen so far have not suspected uterine adenocarcinoma, then you have not yet been to a vet who is very good with rabbits.  An experienced rabbit will tell you that this is the most likely source of blood from the vulva.

Please get her to a good rabbit vet as soon as you can!

I hope this helps.
