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Rabbits face swollen

22 10:39:29

My rabbits face is swollen. He is not as active as normal however he does eat when food is provided. I had noticed that he had been eating quite a bit of his cage made of wood. I'm not sure what kind of wood his cage is made out of. Is there any kind of treatments i can do between now and getting him to the vet? Rabbit is approximately 8-10 months old.

Hi Terri,

really, no.  You need to get him to the vet immediately.  He's got infections in his face/mouth that are preventing him from eating normally.  This is extremely dangerous for rabbits to stop eating as it can lead to (weakness) but gi stasis (total gut shutdown) which can kill them.

PLease get him to the vet as soon as you are done reading this.  Call ahead and tell them about the situation.  If they are not open go to the emergency vet.  He is already weakened from not eating right, and his gut may already be shutting down and making his condition worse.  He may appear okay but rabbits are prey animals and they mask just how bad they are feeling.

Please get to the vet immediately, as soon as you are done reading this.
