Pet Information > ASK Experts > Exotic Pets > Rabbits > comfortable place to sleep instead of litter box also food choices

comfortable place to sleep instead of litter box also food choices

22 11:13:03

We have a new Liohead bunny. It is an indoor pet. We have it in a 32x20x21 inch cage. We have a Woodland getaway in one corner for it.In the other corner is a corner litter box which we have filled with Critter Litter which she seems to be peeing and pooping in. The other corner is where its water bottle is. Across from the woodland getaway is a small corner with its  Timothy hay bin hanging there. On top of the getaway we have a ramp that leads to a second level of an area that is about 1/3 of the cage. She or he does go mostly in the litter box, but then lays down and sleeps in the same litter box. We went to a pet store and the women recommended a piece of granite to put down thinking maybe it would sleep on the cool granite, instead of the litter box. It does rest on this piece sometimes. We recently added that new 2nd level. My question is, is there something we can put in the cage that the rabit might like to lay on, so it doesn't sleep in its poop in the litter box,lol. Is this piece of Granite ok, or is there sometihng that bunnies like to sleep on. What materials would be safe to put in a cage that they might enjoy sleeping on. Is there a particular piece of safe soft material that might be safe to put in the cage so it might sleep there(such as a hand towel or piece of blanket or anything we could buy) so we could encourage it not to sleep in the liter box. The whole cage is covered with Carefresh bedding. Also right now the pet store gave us Vita Vittles rabbit food by LM Animal Farms.She only eats the pellets out of it and leaves the colored things. Can you recommend a good quality bunny food. I think it is around 2-3 months old. Thank you for your help.

Some rabbits like to sleep in their litterbox and it's difficult to persuade them to do otherwise.  You could certainly put a layer of hay on top of the litter and change that daily.

Some rabbits like granite, some like wood, some like towels.  You could try a towel, if he chews holes in it then remove it, and maybe try an untreated piece of wood.

Any foods that have just the plain pellets are good.  Some brands are Purina, Nutriphase, Kaytee, and Mazuri.  

It sounds like you are taking good care of him, he is just being contrary which is definitely a rabbit thing to do.
