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life expectancy of my rabbits

22 11:10:46

I have a 4 year old female french lop and a 5 year old male mini lop, the male has been spayed. Could you tell me the life expectancies due to sex, breed and whether spayed or not please. I have tried searching for these answers but i seem to be getting results that vary dramatically. Whilst searching i have also read that females have a high rate of cancer of the uterus which can be prevented by getting them spayed at an early age, is this true and at 4 years is she too old to go through the op now?

Also my 2 rabbits don't get along and have to live separately,I have tried to gradually introduce them and they are friendly to each other through the mesh of the hutches but once let out together they fight continuously, is there anything i can do to encourage them to get along? If i could let them out together they'd get twice the amount of time running free in the garden!

Many thanks


I am not sure myself on the ages. I have heard anywhere from 6 years and up. I don't fix my rabbits, and I have not had any to get cancer. I have never known anyone to have a rabbit with cancer. Not saying that it doesn't happen, but it isn't as common as they say it is. I would not alter her. Sometimes altering them affects thier moods, and they tend to be more grouchy.
Rabbits are generally loners so getting them to get along is sometimes hard. In the wild they live a lone all the time except when breeding. If they continually fight when together then chances are they will not get along.