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Bonded Pair Fighting

22 11:05:58

My bonded bunnies are both spayed females and have been living together for about two months.  They were getting along great and then yesterday I gave them baths.  Last night and today they have been fighting a lot.  One will mount the other, the other gets upset and fights back.  The odd thing is they will go from grooming each other to fighting in a matter of seconds.  What is going on?

Hi Lisa,

is there a reason why you gave your rabbits a bath?  Rabbits are constant groomers and unless there is a reason, should not ever be bathed.  Rabbits as a rule do not like water and get very stressed out about even being partially wet.  It is a very stressful thing for many of them.  Sometimes a butt dunk is necessary, but only for a few extreme cases.  And it doesn't sound from your note that it was one of these extreme, necessary cases.

They could be taking their feelings out on the closest thing around, namely, the other bunny.  Also you bathing them may have changed the way they smell to each other and they may be thinking they are now paired with a strange rabbit rather than their friend.  Also, perhaps the dominant female was stressed out more than the other rabbit, and the other rabbit sees an opportunity to be the dominant rabbit, and neither want to submit.  It is probably more so this last reason, with the prior two factoring in.

I would probably keep them separate if they are fighting for now.  Keep them separate (and not able to touch/bite) in separate cages, so they can see each other.  Put some litter from each of their litterpans into the others' during the week so they get used to the smell of the other rabbit again. I would wait a week or two and start doing bonding exercises in neutral areas - with you present.

Visit the House Rabbit Society web site ( and search for articles on 'bonding'.  Here are a few URLs to look over, and print out:

(And no more wet bunny baths.)
