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Baby bunny falling backwards when in 2 legs

22 9:52:41

I have a baby toy bunny (she is almost 4 moths now) who suffered some kind of infection around her 2nd month that caused almost paralysis of her extremities. We feared she might die. She was treated with antibiotics and  drugs, she was hospitalized for 4 days and then we continued the treatment at home . The vet did a blood test and found infection. So they think she must have had a brain infection that affected her neurological system. She had antibiotics for almost a month. We thought she had completely recovered, but now almost a month later I begin to see a symptom that reminds me of her previous problems. She tends to put herself up in 2 legs and then falls backwards, sometimes she repeats this several times and we think she might hurt herself. She eats normally and walks all right but I fear this might be the beginning of a new crisis? I don't know what's wrong with her! Of course I will take her to the vet but if you could offer any new ideas to check it might be of great help.

Dear Mary Kay,

It could be a recurrence of the previous problem, or it could just be evidence of damage from the initial infection that has yet to be repaired (if it will ever be repaired).  

I think a second vet evaluation is in order, just to be safe.   She may need antibiotics again.  Please also see:

and the linked article by Dr. Susan Brown for some additional information.

I hope she will be fine soon.
