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baby mini lop

22 10:53:59

We have recently bought a mini lop from a private breader.   I noticed whilst smoothing him that he has a mark on his neck.  It looks a bit like eczema and his fur is a bit thin around this area.  Should I be worried?   Also today whilst out in his run his pooh is different there are three long dark poohs.   Is this normal?

Is the spot right behind his ears, at the base of the neck, and is it kind of triangular in shape? If so, it is normal for rabbits to have silkier, thinner fur right there.

If the longer poops look sort of like grape clusters, that is also normal. They are called cecotropes. Rabbits normally redigest these to get the maximum amount of nutrition for their diet. Then these are processed into the normal round poops that you are used to. Sometimes a rabbit will miss a few of the cecotropes. It is nothing to be worried about. However, if it is not formed, but rather like diarrhea, then it is cause for some worry.