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Rabbit Fleas??

22 10:42:37

I was holding my rabbit (Nibbles) today and he was shedding a lot. He's been doing this over the past week or so, so I just figured that he was growing a new coat.

I was petting my rabbit, getting some of the loose hair of  of him, when I saw a maybe black thing with wings by his ears and when I tried to look closer it disappeared. I told my mom, but she didn't see anything, so I figured it was my imagination.

Later I was still holding Nibbles and I noticed he had some matter or something in his eye, he's had this before, and my dad usually gets it out.

I was looking closer, when something that might have been dark brown or black with wings scampered from his chin and disappeared.

I really think he has some bug problem, and I'm wondering if you can tell me what's wrong.

Thank you,

Dear Michelle,

Fleas and mites, the most common external parasites seen on rabbits, do not have wings.  If the thing you saw really did have wings, then I wonder if you are seeing flies or mosquitoes.  Just in case, please check your rabbit's vent/genital area to be absolutely sure he does not have fly strike or maggots, which can quickly be fatal!  If he does have maggots, you must get him to a good rabbit vet *immediately* to save his life, and you can find one here:

If these small passengers actually do not have wings, they are probably fleas. These can safely be treated with Revolution (selamectin) from your vet. Please read:

for complete information.

I hope this helps.
