Pet Information > ASK Experts > Exotic Pets > Rabbits > My baby bunny is having trouble breathing!

My baby bunny is having trouble breathing!

22 9:42:44

Hello, I've owned the baby bunny for about three days now. The first two days it was running around fine and was having lots of fun with my family. On the third day though i noticed one diarrhea in the cage. Its breathing very heavy through its nose and something mouth, It has pooped normal poops but it hasn't peed. It wont eat or drink so we have been giving it water and food through an eye dropper. I just don't know what to do. I'm scared of it going to a vet, the vet saying that its too young to do anything, and me still having to pay a bunch of money. Please help! any advice would be appreciated.

Find a different vet.  You can find vets that are rabbit savvy here

How old is this baby?  Babies shouldn't be taken away from their mothers until they are 8 weeks old.

Please find a different vet. This bunny in in critical condition.
