Pet Information > ASK Experts > Exotic Pets > Rabbits > Loud breathing...only sometimes and over a long period of time

Loud breathing...only sometimes and over a long period of time

22 9:46:11

Hello -

My 5 year old rabbit has always breathed loudly when she's being petted or at other times when she seems to be "emotional", but always when I'm near her. She snores too, but this is a different type of sound. Lately, I've heard her breathing loudly when I'm not near her, but only for a few seconds at a time then it stops. I've read all the posts on here about loud breathing and am concerned. Is it possible that she could have a respiratory problem and it's getting worse with age? She's very healthy otherwise. There is no discharge from the eyes or nose, and eating/pooping is normal. She's had checkups over the years and the lungs have sounded normal.

I want to avoid taking her to the vet, if possible, because it's very traumatic for her.

Thanks for any info you can give me.

Dear Julie,

In rabbits, pulmonary (lung) problems are not always easy to hear, even if one uses a stethoscope.  We've had rabbits whose breathing sounded quite normal, but whose chest radiographs revealed extensive congestion in the lungs.

On the other hand, as you've already noted, loud breathing noises don't necessarily mean lung disease.  Your bunny could just have a floppy palate, or fleshy sinuses that vibrate when she breathes in certain ways.

I wish I could tell you that there's a way to know for sure without seeing a veterinarian.  But if you're concerned that she might have pneumonia, then a chest x-ray would be recommended.  I hope you can find a rabbit-savvy veterinarian in Hungary who can do this safely for your bunny.  If respiratory problems are suspected, then anesthesia would not be recommended for this procedure.

I hope this helps.
