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front leg weakness

22 10:33:17

last night my 8 year old bunny showed front leg weakness.  he could barely get around.  i took him to the emergency clinic.  they said he possibly had a stroke.  i went back today to see the exotic specialist - it is Sunday so I can't find a rabbit specialist who is open.  the specialist is not convinced that it is neurological.  they took his blood work and will get back to me.  In the meantime, they hydrated him and gave him vitamins.  Although he is eating fairly normally.  he seems more alert this afternoon.  in fact, he washed his face - so he must have some control of his front legs.  any suggestions?

Dear Sandeep,

I think the bloodwork and other things your exotics vet did were just th e right thing.  I'd wait for the results, but keep bun well hydrated and eating until then.  A stroke is usually (not always) characterized by unilateral weakness or paralysis--not both sides.  So I'd have my doubts about a stroke, too.

Although E. cuniculi usually is associated with hind limb weakness, we do occasionally see front limb weakness that the vet believes to be associated with E. cuniculi.  For this reason, please read this:


Treatment with Panacur or oxibendazole can help slow progression.  Ponazuril is another drug showing promise for treating this problem.

I hope this helps.
