Pet Information > ASK Experts > Exotic Pets > Rabbits > My rabbit seems to have a problem

My rabbit seems to have a problem

22 11:34:52

Hi, I wanted to ask someone abouta problem I noticed right after I got the bunny. Here in Korea, bunnies are sold and taken care of with very little or no care. I really hate this but how can I, a 14 year-old boy, do that? Anyways, I bought two bunnies today at a store, along with some bedding and some pellets. The female seems to be doing just fine, I love her outgoing attitude and it seems she has already bonded with me. However, the male sulks all the time, and it had very soiled fur from excretion. It hasn't eaten at all, and after I gently cleaned its soiled bottom, its just sat in the fluffy towel I left it him to dry. I may be overreacting, but there may be problems because they had a very dirty cage (which I washed out and cleaned until i was satisfied), and their feet were greenish. Maybe you can give me some tips on how to keep them cleaner and what seems to be bothering the male...

Thanks you so much for your time!!!

There is a parasite that infects rabbits called coccidiosis.  It mostly affects small bunnies and is often fatal.  Both of the bunnies need to see a vet to be treated with a medicine.  It is important to do this soon, or you will lose both of them.

Sorry about not answering sooner, I was on vacation and forgot to mark my account.

If you need anything else please contact me.
