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rabbit head tilt

22 9:59:31

We have a 3 mth old rabbit with severe head tilt and recently purchased penicillin. Where do you put the injection? After how many days should improved be seen? She is eating and drinking fine just the head tilt is getting worse. Thank you.

Dear Toni,

There are many different things that can cause a head tilt, and penicillin may not be effective in treating what your bunny has.  Has he been seen by a rabbit-savvy vet yet?  If not, I would strongly recommend that you have this done first:

The vet can show you the safe and proper way to give the injections, if that's what is deemed necessary.  It should be given subcutaneously, though, NOT in the muscle, especially if this is the prescription-free agricultural version that is very viscous.  You do NOT want to hit a blood vessel, so it's imperative that the vet show you how to administer the injections safely.

Please also read:


I hope this helps.
