Pet Information > ASK Experts > Exotic Pets > Rabbits > Rabbit with a quarter size lump below mouth in the neck area

Rabbit with a quarter size lump below mouth in the neck area

22 10:34:24

We noticed this lump tonight and my daughter is hysterical and concerned about it, as are we.  Can you assist me in determining what it could be or ruling out what it definitely is not.  Thanks so much for your help.

Dear Steve,

If the lump is firm and does not move with the skin, and is located on the jaw, then this could be a molar root abscess that needs the prompt attention of a good rabbit vet with expertise in rabbit dental problems.  You can find a good vet here:

and read more about this problem here:


The problem is treatable, but may require a long course of antibiotics.  

If the lump *does* move freely with the skin, it's a bit simpler to treat.  If it's an abscess (most common), our experienced rabbit vets will simply wait until the abscess is fully encapsulated, then just remove it as if it were a tumor and then put the bunny on appropriate antibiotics to be sure the problem doesn't recur from the same site.

I hope this helps, and that your bunny will be fine soon.
