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my new bunny wont eat

22 10:45:14

i just got a new bunny from a pet store and since the day i got it it wont eat any of the food i gave her.ive tried giving some carrots and lettuce and some of the diet pellets.and its been only eating things around my room like paint chips .please help

For some rabbits, the experience of going to a new home can be stressful, and some rabbits won't eat when they get stressed.

It's important that she get some food in her.  If rabbits don't eat, they can have serious problems with their intestinal tract and die.

If she isn't eating at all and no poop is coming out, a trip to the vet is in order.  The vet can rule out physical problems causing her not to eat.  If she isn't eating, she may not be drinking.  If she's dehydrated, the vet may give her fluids.  And if the vet thinks the GI system can tolerate it, a B12 shot may be given to try to stimulate appetite.

But if there aren't any health problems, then it'll be a bit of trial and error trying to figure out what she'll take.

You can try enticing her with some veges like cilantro, mint, dill, or parsley.  Sometimes, the herbs entice the rabbits to eat.

If you can find it, there's a brand of pellets that has a banana scent to it.  It's shaped like letters.  I don't remember what the brand name is unfortunately.

Also, alfalfa hay may entice her to eat,or one of the Oxbow hay company grass mixtures.

There are also some recipes that might attract her to food at these sites:

You could also try some fruit.  Most rabbits love sugar and bananas are high in it.  You can see if she'll take banana or any of the other fruits on this list:

I hope some of these suggestions help and she begins eating normally.