Pet Information > ASK Experts > Exotic Pets > Rabbits > My bunny has stopped using his litter box

My bunny has stopped using his litter box

22 10:59:16

I bought my mini-rex male a month ago - he is now 7 months old.  When I got him, he was pretty much litter trained.  He found his spot and did his business only in that spot, with an occasional miss here or there, from day 1.  About 9 days ago, I moved (he got to sit in a carrier on my lap for an 8 hour drive - He did get occasional petting, and did have a chance to go in his cage to go potty) - ever since, he has not been using his litter box regularly.  He does still use it, but he also lets out droppings everywhere in his cage.  His cage has not changed, his exercise pen is still the same, food is the same.  I want to start letting him out around the house, but only once he starts using his litter box regularly again.  Thank you!


Hi Heather,
give your rabbit some time to adjust to his new environment..within 2 months he should be back to normal but changes will sometimes cause stress on a rabbit and they'll forget their training until they're secure again.
all the best,Elizabeth