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sad and angry

22 10:14:21

I see so many questions that I just say "DUH" to, I took pride in being a knowledgeable bunny owner(obviously not anymore) and my Thumper is still gone. It is so frustrating and unfair. I still hate myself for it. I miss her more every day and it's not getting any better.
Anyway, I know you're not a therapist and I apologize if I've offended anyone.
My question is this: Have you ever heard of a treat called Haystacks and is it safe?
Thanks in advance.

Dear Denise,

It's normal to grieve for a lost friend, and different people do it for different amounts of time.  It depends on the depth of the relationship and many other factors that would make your relationship with Thumper unique.  I'm sorry for your sadness, and hope that time will heal things so that eventually memories that seem painful now will bring you warmth in the future.

I've not heard of Haystacks, and can't find it with a Google search.  So since I don't know what's in it, I can't tell you if it's healthy. But if you send me a list of ingredients, I can help you.
