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Change in pet bunnys poop

22 10:38:29

Hi I have a lionhead bunny that is about 2 months old. Mostly he is a very happy little guy and I enjoy spending time with him very much. But recently I have noticed that sometimes his poop is softer and kind of clumpy and EXTREMELY smelly. It doesn't happen very often, but since he is still a baby I just wanted to know if it is something serious. Also I was wondering what color should rabbit pee be? I know when I first got him it was pretty much clear/light yellow, but as he got older I think the pee got yellower, and not as clear? The smell got stronger too, is that normal?

Thank you very much for your time.

Dear Hannah,

Please read this:

for a full explanation of the Mystery of Poop.  As long as the poops are not mushy or runny, he's fine.  You're just seeing cecotropes.

The urine will change in color and concentration depending on what the bunny is eating and drinking, and when he reaches sexual maturity (age of about 3-4 months for males, and a bit older for females), it will smell stronger still because of the hormones.  That means it's time for spay/neuter:

Rabbit pee ranges from pale yellow to dark orange or even red, depending on diet and state of hydration.  The more hydrated the bunny, the more dilute the pee.  Be sure he gets plenty of fresh water and greens, to help promote good kidney health:

Hope that helps.
