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a question about nasal discharge in my holland lop

22 10:04:36

my holland lop that i have (Willow)is 3 months. she gets a lot of sleep gathered up in the corner of her eyes. should i be concerned about that? also, ive noticed that around her nose and the slit from her mouth to her nose has been wet. its almost like nasal discharge. thats what it looked like when i checked it out. anyways, should i be concerned about that as well? shes eating fine, acting normal but there may be something  that she is hiding. please help me.

Hi Sydney. I can be normal for a bunny to have a wet nose in the winter if it is kept outside. If the bunny is inside where it is warm I would watch her very carefully. If she starts sneezing and cleaning her nose with her paws often I would take her to the vet for some Baytril. She may have snuffles. If caught early it can be kept under control but if allowed to go for very long becomes a permanent and complicated situation. Anytime that a rabbit has a thick, cloudy, or odd colored drainage from their nose is time to worry a bit. Don't panic, just watch her carefully.  Pat