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Wild baby bunny injured... Help!

22 9:38:32

So, last night i found a wild baby bunny in our yard and she wasn't moving. i fed her some grass, then pet her and she tried to move but she couldn't, and she just dragged her hind legs. so i took her inside and fed her more grass and gave her water and such. i think her hind legs are broken but im not sure. i havn't taken her to the vet yet because it costs too much money, so i don't know wht I can do. i can't find anything on wild baby bunnies with broken legs ANYWHERE, everyone just says to kill her... but i need help ASAP!!!!!!

Dear Skylar,

The most humane thing to do would be to take the baby to a licensed wildlife rehabilitator who can evaluate her and see if she can recover.  If her injuries are too severe for her to heal, then the wildlife rehabilitator will have veterinarians who can humanely euthanize her.  

But caring for a wild rabbit is not something that is easy or even possible for someone who is not trained.  You can find wildlife rehabilitators in Canada with this link:

I hope everything will turn out okay.  Thank you for your kindness.

P.S. - Sorry for the delay.  The Allexperts site has been *down* more than it's been functional, and every time I have tried to log in until now, I've gotten a "try again later" message!