Pet Information > ASK Experts > Exotic Pets > Rabbits > rabbit not eating or pooing very much

rabbit not eating or pooing very much

22 10:14:47

hi our male rabbit is nearly 2 yrs old and we have noticed recently his isnt eating his rabbit food and hasnt been pooingmuch. he is cleaned regularly. any advice please, many thanks

Dear Joanne,

It's good to be vigilant for any signs of unusual behavior, as rabbits are very subtle about illness.  Please see:

for instructions on how to tell if your bunny is sick, and what to do if he is--until you can get him to a good rabbit vet.  You can find one here:

Often, unusual eating habits are due to dental problems:

so be sure to ask the vet to do a dental exam in addition to all the usual wellness checks he might need.

I hope he'll be fine soon.
