Pet Information > ASK Experts > Exotic Pets > Rabbits > my bunny die!!!!!!

my bunny die!!!!!!

22 10:28:09

well,my bunny die one day ago bacause he fell  from hes day see him just sitting down but the next day he don't want to eat anything,i offer him but he don't want anything.the netx day he is letting down in hes so sad because my bunny die!!!!!!

Hi Veronica,

I am sorry to hear your bunny died after falling.  They are more delicate animals than dogs or cats, sadly, and can't take a fall as well.

I am sure that he knew you loved him and would have done what you could to prevent it.

If you get any rabbits in the future, you may consider keeping them in a room indoors.  They can be wonderful indoor pets.  There would be less chance of him falling in a room.  

Also, anytime your rabbit takes a potentially bad fall, or stops eating, you strongly need to consider taking him to a good rabbit  vet right away, as they can die fairly quickly.  If you don't know of a good rabbit vet near you, start here:

to find a House Rabbit Society-recommended rabbit vet near you.  They have international links to lists if you are not in the USA.

Again, sorry for your loss.  Lee