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rabbits neck area

22 11:17:50

My rabbit's neck looks very red and sore. the fur that usually covers her neck is very wet and separated.She constantly tries to lick the fur under the neck and uses her front feet to rub her face like  its itching her.Now her front feet have gone red and the fur looks rugged like her neck. Although the weather is very hot my rabbit is still active, eats,drinks and appears otherwise well.
I'll be grateful for your advice.

Dear Rachel,

If the fur is pretty much normal and dry everywhere except under her chin and on her front paws, then this is a *classic* symptom of molar problems, such as molar spurs or even a molar root abscess.  Please read:

The problem is that the dental problems make the bunny drool.  The caustic saliva collects in the fur, burning the skin and making the bunny itch and scratch until the areas are raw and nasty.

Please find a good rabbit vet here:

and get her in for a deep oral exam ASAP.  Molar spurs are easily filed, and other problems are treatable, too.  But if you leave this without treatment, the stress can make this develop into something more serious.

I hope this helps.  Please write back if you have other questions once you've had a chance to read those articles.
