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Bunny with broken leg

22 9:45:26

My five year old daughter said she rolled over on our bunny. I noticed the bunny wasn't using her right hind leg at all I picked her up and notice a big bone sticking out and the lower part of her leg just flopped around. It hasn't broke through the skin the bone that is. I am on welfare and cannot afford to take her to the vet. I did splint it and wrapped it up with an ace bandage i cant tell if i did it right and am keeping her in her cage. I'm just devastated I need to know if there is anything else i can do for her. I am not allowing my daughter to pick her up at all nor am i i have her in her cage with ample food water and timothy hay.

Dear Jeri,

I hope that you were able to splint the leg sufficiently so that the bones meet and might mend.  Broken legs like this can actually heal quite well if they are set properly.  I wish you were able to get her to a vet for some antibiotics, as a broken leg can often be a nidus for infection.  You might be able to find a sympathetic vet here:

who can help you pro bono, or at least work out an inexpensive payment plan with you, just for the humanity of it.

Watch the leg for any sign of swelling/redness, which could indicate life-threatening infection.  Be sure the fleshy part of the leg is well cushioned and that the bandage is not cutting off circulation.  

I hope all will turn out okay.  I am sending many healing thoughts.
