Pet Information > ASK Experts > Exotic Pets > Rabbits > The flooring for a Mini lop rabbit.

The flooring for a Mini lop rabbit.

22 9:55:17

Dear Ms.Dana,
 I am wanting a Mini Lop rabbit, but before I get one I want to make sure I have everything needed. In most of the articles I have read they all say that the Mini Lop have tender feet and wire flooring isn't good for them. I was wanting to know if you could tell me something to put in the cage. I was wanting a cage that the poop pellets could fall through and collect in a tray to be clean every day. If there is a mat that would allow that, that would be great. I understand if there isn't.
Thank You,
 Ellen Slay

Dear Ellen,

The very best information and overview of housing and all the things you'll need for your first bunny can be found here:

We like 100% cotton bath mats with traction backing, as these can be laundered as they are soiled, and provide soft cushion for bunny feet.

All the best rabbit information can be found at

Hope that helps!
