Pet Information > ASK Experts > Exotic Pets > Rabbits > mother doe of two

mother doe of two

22 10:42:52

went out to check on doe to make sure she was feeding kits, but instead I found white stuff all on the inside of the cage, took her out to check for milk and nothing came out, could it be possible that the white all over the inside could be her milk and will she produce more


There isn't really any way that the milk could leak out of her.  The white stuff is probably either urine that can normally be pigmented in several different colors or it could be nasal discharge.  It is impossible to say without seeing it.  Check her nose and if there is anything coming out of her nose she needs a doctor immediately so that it doesn't progress to pneumonia.

Just keep an eye on the babies and if their skin doesn't tent, their bellies look round, and they don't have ribs sticking out when they breath in and out then they are probably being fed.  If it was her milk by some weird or freak accident she will produce more.  As long as she has kits suckling her hormones should keep telling her to produce milk.

If you are seriously worried about her or she is acting strange or lethargic then please take her to a vet right away.

Good luck
