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rabbit bleeding from bottom

22 9:51:42

My rabbit seems to be bleeding when she is urinating. she is unspayed and 5 years old.  i have never noticed her bleed before.  she is acting normal, eating drinking and hopping around. i'm not sure if this is normal or if something is wrong. any info would be great. thank you!

Dear Sally,

If she is five years old and not spayed, then the most likely culprit is a uterine hyperplasia or adenocarcinoma (cancer).  Please get her to an experienced rabbit vet ASAP:

and have her evaluated for spay surgery absolutely as soon as possible. If she is hemorrhaging, the situation could become life-threatening much sooner.  The good news is that spaying will often completely remove the problem and effect a long-term cure, as long as there has been no metastasis to other areas of the body (most often the lungs).  So the vet may want to take radiographs to check for that before subjecting her to surgery.

I hope this helps.
