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My rabbit may be pregnant!

22 11:26:19

Okay, my brother and his friends yesterday found a rabbit anear a school. There was nobody there and it seemed to have run away or something. But there were no adds on the internet or in the newspapers about a missing rabbit. Anyways, she has been growly and she is extremely fat. The only problem is we have NO idea whatsoever how to let her give birth or how to even judge if she is going to have her babys soon. If you could help that would be great. Thank you!

Put a box in her cage and give her a few handfuls of straw.  If she is pregnant and close to having babies she will begin to pick up the straw in her mouth and build a nest in the box.  Rabbits only take 30 days to have babies and most of the time you will not see them change physically except right before she gives birth her teets will get a little bigger.  IF she has babies, leave them alone and let her take care of them... she might not seem like she is, but more than likely she will be OK.
