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I have four rabbits. Two are...

22 11:35:16

I have four rabbits. Two are approximately 5 months old, and the other two about 3 months old. I love them very much and love playing with them, feeding them, and petting them. I would like to put them in my magic shows.

Only problem is, they hate to be picked up. I've gotten sooo many scratches on both arms, abdomen, chest, and hands that it's making me think, how am I ever gonna be able to put these bunnies in a show. They will not sit still and there would be a lot of liability should the rabbits scratch a child.

I've searched the Magiccafe, the internet, and books for reference on how to properly pick up a bunny, but it still hasn't helped. I tried putting one hand beneath their chest, and scooping their bottom up while supporting their hind legs. I've tried pulling them up from the back of their necks grabbing at the loose skin while supporting their rear and bottom with the other hand. Most times, I try to pick them up slowly, but on occasions I would have to do it quickly since they would try and scramble away.

Once I get them up, I use one arm to support them and wrap the other arm around them, pressing them against my belly so they would feel secure and safe. Then I give them lotsa petting, even rewarding them with carrots. Sometimes they will stay still, most of the time they squirm around wanting to get off.

Now comes the most challenging part, putting them down. I always support their bottom and hind legs with one hand while holding their chest with the other, then SLOWLY lower them down. I've tried covering their eyes, or even lowering them backwards, but it's all futile. They always kick, twist, and writher profusely resulting in more scratches for me.

How do you guys do it? I know bunnies naturally don't like to be picked up. So how do you train your bunnies to be STILL? How do you pick up your bunnies? Is it in the training or is it in the rabbit's genes? Are some bunnies calmer and tamer than others?

I believe all of my bunnies are dwarfs. Four of them are mixes and one is a Netherland Dwarf.  (At least that's what the pet stores told me.) The youngest is the Netherland Dwarf. She seems to have the calmest disposition. She is also the smallest and easiest to pick up. When she gets bigger, I fear picking her up and putting her down will be more of a challenge.


 I do no how u feel i have had 2 rabbits that hated being pick up. The only way to sort this is to re train them. It has worked for both my rabbits and i hope it works for u. But remeber training can take a long time.

What u need to do. Just leave the rabbit inside the hutch. and put somthing near the other part to stop them running into the other side of the hutch. When u have done that keep talking to your rabbit. But start rubbing him all over him. Make a fuss of him. This will get him use to being touched. SOME rabbits do not like being touched on there sides. So make sure you rub the sides more.

When you rabbit has gotten use to this keep rubbing. But try and lift up his front feet. This will get him use to being picked up from the ground. Remeber try to do all of this as many times as you can.

and the horse you do this. Your rabbit will get very use to it. But dont stop doing it. Because if u do then u will have to do it all over again. I have got to do it again. Because one of my rabbits have gotten scared again. So i have to go back to stage one. But if you love your rabbits very much u will do anything to make them happy.

So just follow this. and i hope it helps. Let me no if u need any help.

It has worked for 2 of my rabbits. and i hope it works for u. Remeber it will take a while.

              from amie