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sexing babies

22 11:15:01

can you tell me how to sex a rabbit they are 4 weeks old

It can be very difficult to describe how to sex rabbits just via words (without showing), and it is even harder with young rabbits. 4 week old babies are often miss-sexed even by fairly experienced breeders, and it can be especially difficult for someone with no experience in sexing rabbits.

I would recommend having a vet ora breeder sex them for you and show you how to do it. has a list of shows. You can find one in your area and contact the show secretary for directions. There, you can have a breeder sex them for you. If you need them sexed sooner, the secretary may be able to point you toward a breeder in your area. shows pictures and describes sexing, but young rabbits look a bit different, and young males and females look a lot more alike.