Pet Information > ASK Experts > Exotic Pets > Rabbits > Emergency Bunny recovering from Stasis still not eating though gastric problem seems resolved

Emergency Bunny recovering from Stasis still not eating though gastric problem seems resolved

22 9:42:41

My 13 year old bun Paulie has been treated for stasis over the last week, getting all appropriate drugs available for rabbits.  Our vets are all bunny experts, Dr. Potter having lived with house rabbits for many years.  His abdominal gas has dissipated and he should be eating but is merely picking. He is absolutely intolerant of syringe feeding and this only seems to stop him from eating on his own.   His bowel movements are mostly water with a small amount of solid matter.  His first bowel movement on Saturday morning was bloody diarrhea but this also has stopped.  All 4 vets involved do not seem to feel he is ready to be euthanized.  He is responsive and seems to be comfortable.  I have stopped all his drugs and this has not had an adverse effect.  As all seem to be at a loss as to what to try next I have found that slippery elm is supposed to be an excellent herbal remedy for this situation.  I would just like to know how to dose him and what can I expect.  Any suggestions or advice would be greatly appreciated.  
Thank You
Paula and Paulie (no I didn't name him :))

Dear Paula,

Believe it or not, barium (used for imaging) can be very soothing to an irritated digestive tract.  You might also ask the vet about giving him some Questran, which can adsorb irritants and toxins from bacterial overgrowth or other sources.  Probably can't hurt to try the slippery elm, either.

If his liver function is in doubt, then consider asking the vet about giving him B-complex in subQ fluids (diluted so it won't sting so much!), and ask about milk thistle extract, which can supposedly help support liver function.

If his GI tract remains static, then I recommend the ever-faithful enema, administered with an ear syringe.  Never insert more than 1/4" into the anus, use lukewarm water, lubricate the tip, and never force anything that won't squirt in easily. But once you've instilled that lukewarm water and given him a little massage, you will be amazed.  Very few static GI tracts fail to respond to the enema stimulation within a few minutes.  Once the GI tract is moving reliably, the bunny almost always is willing to eat shortly thereafter.

I hope this helps.
