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Keeping Rabbits Warm in Winter

22 11:32:53

Hi Amie, Wondered if you had any good tips on keeping rabbits warm in the winter. Unfortunatley we do not have a suitable garage or shed so he has to stay outside. We cover his hutch in a huge blanket and tarpoline, also sometimes put in a bottle filled with hot water and put it in a sock for him to cuddle up to. Do you have anymore suggestions please?


Claire ..and Frodo  

 The best way to keep your rabbit is warm is to make sure there is loads of hay. Rabbits like to cuddle up to nice fecsh warm hay. Also with the hay try and make it into like a borrow. Rabbits do this when they want to. But sometimes cant be bothered in winter. So just try and make the hay in the bedroom part into like a borrow. and then the rabbit will be able to go inside there at night and find it very warm.

Everything else you are doing will also help.

I hope i have been able to help you out.

From Amie