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Handicapped wild rabbit.

22 11:21:42

Hi, about 3 and a half weeks ago my boyfriends dog brought home some baby wild rabbits.  I couldn't find the mother and I was able to save 3 of them.  It is going on to the fourth week now and they are healthy and fat, I called a wild animal vet. to get the feeding procedure.  I'm about to release two of them into the wild with a soft release in about a week.  BUT, one of them cannot use his back legs, I don't know if the dog hurt him when she was carrying him or not.  He's still healthy and eats like a horse, I already have a safe place to release him when it is time.  I'll tell you more about it if you are curious.  Anyway, last night when I got them out, I noticed that one of "Timmy's" toes looks like they had been chewed on, two toes were actually GONE.  I procedeed to seperate the two males, thinking that maybe their instincts were taking off and they might be attacking each other.  Timmy can't reach his back feet so I know he didn't do it.  I really don't think the female would do it either.  I'm taking Timmy to the wild animal vet. this Friday just to see if there is something to be done about his legs, even though I'm not hopeful.  Can you give me a decent theory on what might have happened to his little foot?   Thank you

Dear Edie,

My first guess would have been that he had chewed his own toes because they are numb.  But if you know for sure that he cannot reach them, then I would guess that one of his littermates did it, not realizing s/he was nibbing on someone's living toes!

I hate to say this, but if you release Timmy in his present condition, he will be eaten by a predator within hours.  If he truly cannot use his hind limbs, then I would consider him a permanent sanctuary bunny, and keep him safe inside with you--as long as he is not frightened and stressed by the close human contact.  Some cottontails become very tame and calm.  And while it is technically not legal to keep wildlife without a permit, I believe it would be cruel to release this permanently crippled little one into the wild, where he has no defense against predators.

If you truly cannot keep him, then please humanely euthanize him.  Spare him the trauma and terror of being eaten alive by something from which he cannot escape, because he can't run.

Please write back if you have any other questions.
