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My rabbit is suddenly aggressive towards

22 10:21:02

My rabbit Shadow is suddely aggressive towards my 10 year-old daughter. When she pets him a charges and nips her a little bit, not enough to hurt just to scare her. He never does that to me he always licks me everytime I pet or play with him. My daughter is only here 4 days a week (her father and i have joint custody) but as soon as she comes home she loves to see and play with him. I do not know his age my nephew got him for us 1 1/2 months ago and he said he had just been weaned. He looks big for a baby but he is the cutest and most loving thing (besides my loving daughter) ever! Can you offer any advice?

Dear Michele,

Sometimes a rabbit will decide that a particular family member is in constant need of discipline, or is even an intruder into the warren.  My bunny Alex, the most cuddly and sweet bunny ever, would *mercilessly* attack my sister, biting at her ankles and being a complete monster.  Why?  The secret was forever locked away in his little bunny head.

But there is a solution.  Your bunny needs to be neutered by a competent, experienced rabbit vet:

This is really the only way to permanently stop this aggression, or at least seriously dampen it.  In the meantime, please also see this for help:

I hope that will do the trick.
