Pet Information > ASK Experts > Exotic Pets > Rabbits > holland lop ears

holland lop ears

22 10:46:39

Hello Pam,
I have a question about baby Holland lops are their ears up when born or are they down? And if their up at what age do they start to fall?

HI Cyndi

They are born straight up.  They usually start to fall around 5 - 6 weeks but I have had them fall as late as 2 - 3 months.  Generally if they fall any later than that there is usually an abscess somewhere in their mouth or jaw that is causing them not to fall.

Just so you know they will also go through this very goofy awkward stage where one ear will stand up and one will half fall and then sometimes stand up.  When they start to look like that it usually means they will be falling any day.

I hope this has helped and if you need anything else please let me know.

