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Bunny Incontinence

22 9:48:56

Hi, My Bunny has incontinence an it is becoming a problem! He continuously has a wet bottom and i dont know what to do. I went to the vet previously and all she said was get pee pads to help it, but it hasn't helped. What else can i do?! Is there a bunny diaper or anything that will help keep his butt dry? Please help! Thanks!


first, you need to find a better vet.  They need to determine why this is happening.  It could be weight, an age-related problem, bladder sludge, an infection, etc.  Start looking for a good rabbit vet here:

to find a House Rabbit Society recommended vet near you.

He needs to be examined and the problem needs to be given more than "just get pee pads" because it could be more than one medical things that are causing it that may be correctable.

Please search for a good rabbit vet.  In the meantime if the skin is getting red/irritated, you can use bag balm or vaseline to protect those areas.