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Sick 10 month male flemish cross rabbit

22 10:12:37

I have a 10 month old male rabbit who has been unwell for over two weeks.I believe I may have witnessed the moment the problem started. He was eating greenery with great gusto when he suddenly stopped, hunched up and started pawing at his face. He then sat repeatedly swallowing in obvious discomfort. Since then every time he eats he starts out eating normally then hunches up and repeatedly swallows for a period of time then grinds his teeth which I believe means he is in pain. Then perhaps half an hour later he will have another go at eating.
I took him to the vet the next day. (supposed to be rabbit savvy) He checked him over (normal breathing, heart and temperature)then suggested a blood test.He also gave him fluids as he was slightly dehydrated. The results came back that he had slight liver damage. The lab suggested that he may have Coccidiosis (liver)so he was treated with an injection every day of Tri something (sorry) for 9 days.
There has been no change. He is still doing the swallowing and grinding thing when he eats. He has lost a little weight but his weight has held reasonably steady give or take a few grams for the two weeks.
Today he looked very slow, huddled up, and was eating very little and of course and the vet is closed.
So after a bit of Internet searching I decided to try and get food and liquids into him via syringe.I ground his pellets added a little mashed banana and some spring water.
I feed him very slowly (through the side if his mouth so  he would not inhale any) , a little each hour by syringe.
The smooth food caused one or two swallows but not the continuous swallowing dry food (pellets, grass)or fresh grass causes. What is unusual is the gurgling sound coming from his throat/ stomach?? (not sure where)after each mouthful then the sound becomes less until the next mouthful. After the syringe feeding he was hoping around the room, not like he normally would but with a little more energy than he had earlier in the day.
The vet gave him another check on Friday and has sent off another lot of blood to see if the liver result has changed. He also gave him another lot of fluids although he said he was only mildly dehydrated.
I am not convinced the blood result has anything to do with the discomfort he has with eating. But I am not the vet.I think he could have an obstruction in his esophagus.
The discomfort comes after two or three mouthfuls, very quickly. Too quickly to be nausea which is what the vet thinks it is.
I am really at a loss what to do next.
Would an Xray show anything?
Is it possible to use an endoscope on a rabbit? My vet hasn't got one.
Any advice you can give would be very helpful.
Many thanks

Hello Karen!
Well you sure have been on top of things and the vet may have been right on the liver problem. It really sound like to me that something has caused a cut or sore in the mouth or throat of your rabbit and it hurts to eat thats is what it seems like to me . the soft food is the right way to go this will keep him healthy. try cut bananas and apples. also wet a small amount of his feed and let it get soft maybe he will eat it then not too much at once cause rabbits usually don`t eat wet pellets. give gatorade to drink and the sore  ( if thats what it is should heal with in a week).

I look see with a endoscope would tell if it is a sore or cut.
Good luck.