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Bump around eyes, and bulging eyes.

22 10:37:29

Dear Dana,

I have a 4 year old rabbit. Last night when i went to feed him, i realized one of his eyes were bulging out and were bigger than the other. There was also a bump around that eye near the ear. I put ice on it to try and help. Under the eye on the whites are a little red.  It is not acting strange, is eating well, drinking its water, and running around.  What is wrong with this eye? and could it be life threating?

Thanks so much,

Dear Lily,

Without seeing your bunny I can't be sure, but this sounds very much like a retrobulbar abscess (i.e., an abscess behind the eye).  It could be life-threatening if not treated, but fortunately these days there are some excellent antibiotics that can be administered that will often resolve such an abscess.  

The right antibiotic to use will depend on the bacteria causing the abscess.  Unfortunately, many times an abscess in this location will have its nidus in a molar root, and that often means that the abscess is populated by intestinal bacteria and that the antibiotic must be chosen with caution.

Many of our rabbit-expert vets will use a combination of bicillin and marbofloxacin (brand name Zeniquin) for an abscess like this, if there is no way to culture it (which there often isn't!).  But if there is any exudate, then please read:

Bun definitely needs a trip to the vet ASAP, but you'll need a vet who is very experienced with rabbit medicine and particularly dental problems (as this is likely associated with molar roots).  You can find one here:

You also can read more about abscesses of the head here:

There is a chance that this could be due to a tumor.  But the incidence of retrobulbar abscesses in rabbits is so much greater than tumors in this location of the body, that I think this is not very likely.  Only a vet exam will tell you for sure.

I hope this gives you enough information to get him started on the road to recovery.

Take care,
