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Bunny has a fractured front leg

22 10:25:57

WE just came from the vet and they did an X-ray and our bunny Holly has a fracture, we have only had her for 5 days and I just lost another bunny to injury so really love this one!  they suggest amputation or putting her down, can they splint it? can she live with this injury? HELP!

Dear Alyssa,

Amputation is an option that's better than euthanasia, but before going that route I would get her to an *expert* rabbit vet who can have another look and see just how severe the break is.  It's possible that if the bone isn't shattered and the blood supply is not interrupted, the leg could be saved.  But I can't tell that without seeing it, and the thing to do is get her to a good rabbit vet NOW:

She cannot go on without treatment, as this is very painful.  So you'll have to do *something*.  What that is may depend on the prognosis the new vet gives you.

If you just lost another bunny to an injury, you have to ask yourself:  what's going on?  Is someone handling these bunnies who doesn't know how, or who should not be?  Is a child being rough with the bunnies?

For information on proper handling (and why you should NOT handle a bunny more than necessary), please go to:

I hope your bunny will be fine.
