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excessive pooping

22 11:22:29

I have a four month old Blue Tort Holland Lop Buck. He is strictly a indoor bunny. He knows his litter box and uses it regularly while in his cage. When he comes out to run around the house he drops poop balls everywhere but does not spray. Previously we had a male (not neutered) who roamed the house regularly who died at age eight last summer. My new bunny seems to know all the spots my old bunny used to visit. Is it possible he smells the old males bunnys scent and is laying his territory out? If I get him neutered will this help? Do I need to steam clean the carpets to reduce the scent of our old bunny ? PLease help as I want my Bunny out of his cage as much as possible . Also He also poops alot when he is held in our arms .  

Dear Jim,

Wow, he poops while you're holding him?  That's pretty unusual!

Yes, neutering should help.  And yes, it's possible that he's smelling the previous resident and is marking the territory.  It might help to steam clean the carpet, but then little Sir Poopsalot might find it "necessary" to mark around the nice, clean carpet, too.

You might want to have him neutered first, then wait a week or so before steam-cleaning, so you don't waste all that effort.

You can find a good rabbit vet here:

Hope this helps. Please write back with any other questions you might have.
