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Litterbox regression

22 11:13:28

I have an unneutered, male mini lop that is about 2 years old (i think!)  He has been litter trained all his life yet suddenly he has been urinating all over his cage...everywhere EXCEPT his litterbox.  This has become an issue since cleaning the cardboard on the bottom of his cage is now a daily requirement and his butt, feet and ears all get urine soaked!  HELP!  Why is he doing this after being well trained for years!?

Dear Jen,

It's unusual for a 2 year old to suddenly lose good litterbox habits unless (1) something has changed in his environment that's making him mark his territory, or (2) he has a urinary tract problem that's causing incontinence.

If his butt, feet and ears are getting soaked, I'm suspecting the latter.  Please read:

and find a good rabbit vet here:

to diagnose and treat any problems.

If the problem is just spraying, he may have found some change in his environment objectionable (new boyfriend?), and is now marking.  Neutering will help stop this, so please discuss this with the vet if the bunny is otherwise healthy.

I hope this helps.
