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My Rabbit is unable to excrete & urinate.

22 10:07:40


My rabbit is 3.5 years old(Female). She has problem in urinating and excreting..It took out noise while trying to urinate/excrete.. It keep on trying to give out but hardly few drops and pellelts of stool come out..Its appetite has reduced..Looks lazy. I observed that balls of its excreta are very sticky like dpped in gum( greasy ).Problem is from last 15 days. We have given her paraffin liquid but not worked.(3-4ml, twice a day)
Note: My rabbit is domestic so eat whatever we family members eat although we give her green vegetables, leaves of beans, cabbage, raddish leaves.

From: Dhananjay, India.

Hi Dhananjay. Your rabbit may be very sick. My first suggestion would be to take it to the vet. However I know that vets can be very expensive and you may not be able to do that. My second suggestion would be to get some hay. Good dry grass hay. Feed her hay and nothing else for a few days and see if that helps. Make sure she has lots of clean fresh water and do not feed her any more people food. She can be fed pellets, hay, sweet potatoes, a little carrot and apple but not so much other stuff. A rabbits digestive system is delicate and will shut down if not properly fed. They need lots of hay for fiber. I wish you the best with this and hope your bunny gets well. I will be thinking of you.  Pat                                                                                               Dhananjay, please know how sad I am to hear of your bunnies death. It is never easy to loose one of our friends, no matter how small. I wish you well.  Pat