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white dot on bunnys eye

22 10:15:39

How dose the bunny get the white.Or what are some things it could get it from.

Hi Emily,

I am going to assume here that the white dot is on the lens (cornea) of the eye.  If so, it could be one of several things.

It could be mucus from some type of irritation or possibly the early signs of a dental or eye infection...or even possibly some type of allergy much like we might have.

If the spot is fixed, it is most likely a corneal ulcer.  This is basically a scratched lens that has become infected.  This can cause serious damage to your rabbit's eyesight if it is not properly treated...or if it's incorrectly treated.  This should be seen by a vet.  The diagnosis will require "staining" they eye by using a UV sensitive dye.  It is very important to properly treat a corneal ulcer to prevent permanent damage to the cornea that will result in diminished eyesight.  Using the wrong medication can cause more problems.  Eye drops that contain steroids should be avoided with ulcers.  A corneal ulcer is also quite painful and pain management should be implemented.

It is also possible that it's the early stages of a cataract.  Cataracts in rabbits have been associated with a protozoan infection known as E Cuniculi.

I would suggest having your rabbit checked by a rabbit savvy vet.  While eye are treated pretty much alike no matter what the species....rabbits do present some challenging when using certain drugs.  An untreated corneal ulcer can cause a devastating collapse of the cornea....and this can easily be prevented by treating the condition properly.  In most cases the costs involved in treating eye conditions is very reasonable and most of the treatments can be performed easily at home.  Good luck.