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Split Penis in Male Rabbits

22 9:48:00

Hi, I want to ask you about Split Penis in Male Rabbits.
I am going to be a new owner of a "buck" rabbit. I'm purchasing this rabbit from a reputable breeder, and she told me that she thinks this rabbit has a Split Penis (the rabbit is 7 weeks old, I am going to take "him" home when he is 9 weeks old).

I have researched quite a bit about this condition, but I'm afraid there isn't much information about this. Some people said that the rabbit should be put asleep because of it, or that it harms the rabbit.

Can you tell me what health risks my rabbit may have if "he" indeed has a Split Penis? I also want to know what can be done about it, if it'll affect his spaying/neutering operation in the future, and if he'll have a difficult time urinating/being housed trained. Thank SO much in advance!

***I do not intend to breed "him," so I'm not worried about the breeding problems he could have, just his health***

Dear Neko,

I certainly would not have the bunny euthanized for this!  If the bunny does have split penis, there may be a slightly higher risk of urinary tract infection if he's not able to pee normally, but this is not a death sentence.

The problem is a developmental failure of the tissues that form the penis to properly seal together around the urethra to form a tube.  This can be congenital or due to environmental influence during the baby's embryonic development.  But your bunny should be neutered, in any case, so it should not be an issue as far as genetic transmittance.  Please read:

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who can examine the bunny and confirm the condition (or set your mind at ease that he is not affected).  If it becomes a problem, then there may be ways to surgically correct the malformation and give the bunny a better quality of life if it is causing a problem.  

I doubt that it will ever be an issue.

Hope this helps.
