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House Bunny

22 10:01:23

Please note: There are no vets in this vicinity who deal with rabbits, which they term "exotic".  My neutered male bunny is almost 3 years old. He has suddenly quit being active. Last night he would seem to go into convulsions and he would then lie prone, as if he was dead. This morning he drank a little water but he is still not feeling well.  I wrapped him in a towel and held him until he did let me know he wanted down.  He hasn't been kicking but he appears to be "resting".  What can I do??  Thank you!!


Hi, just want to add to slowly feed him water and food.  You don't want him choking and getting anything into his lungs.  You might want to also double-check his gum and tongue color while feeding him, if they are normal pink that is good.  If they are white or bluish he is going into shock and you need to warm him up, if you can rest him on a covered heating pad that is set to a lower setting (not high because you can burn him) that will help keep his body temperature up.



I don't know what is wrong.  You will need to force fluids using a feeding syringe in order to keep him hydrated.  If you can grind up some of his food pellets and add water to them, and syringe feed him (not a needle syringe, a feeding syringe - same as you'd use for feeding water) this it will at least keep him hydrated and getting some nutrition.

You need to get him to someone who knows rabbits.  Ask the vets who they would go to around your area with a sick rabbit.  If there are any animal shelters around ask.

Also check here:

It has links to international vet listings if you are outside the US.

If you can hear gas gurgling in his stomach or cecum, you can hold him and with one hand massage up and down his belly area.  If you can get baby gas drops (simethicone) give him several droppers full and continue with massage.  It may take 1/2 hour to an hour of massage to get him feeling better.  He will start turbo grinding (teeth chattering) if he starts to feel better).

But he must stay hydrated.  He needs water.  Not more than 10 cc's at any given time, his stomach is fairly small.