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fur loss/potential molar spurs

22 10:01:22

I was playing with my mini-rex rabbit named Nod today and i noticed that under his chin there was a small patch of hair missing. i did some online research and found that often molar spurs, which can occur even in rabbits without maloccluded teeth can cause rabbits to drool and that their acidic saliva can cause hair loss. I am planning to take Nod to the vet (we have a very good rabbit vet nearby) but i was wondering if there were any creams or anything that i should put on the bare patch,in the mean time so that it doesn't start to chafe or get irritated and to stop any irritation occurring already.

thanks alot for your advice!

Emma D

Dear Emma,

Nod is lucky to have a "mom" who takes such good care of him.  :)

The best thing you can do to keep the skin from being uncomfortable is to gently wash it with a clean, warm, damp washcloth to get the saliva off the skin, and then carefully dry it to prevent further chapping.  Once the skin is dry, a very thin layer of triple antibiotic ointment to the bare area, to keep it soft and hygienic.

But a trip to the vet is certainly a good idea, to be sure any problematic molars are filed.

Hope this helps.
