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Runny stool and pulling out fur

22 11:05:39

Sorry I forgot to mention in the previous e-mail she is spayed. What else could cause the slight runny stool. It doesn't seem to have persisted and she is still her chipper self.  She is eating a lot more hay than usual i noticed though. I also changed food a little bit ago could that have anything to do with it?
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Hi there
I have a 2 year old female rabbit who is having a few problems lately. She has previously pulled out hair of her chest and had what looked like a bit of a sore on her chest so I took her to the vet and he prescribed some antibiotic cream and that seemed to clear it up. Now she is doing it again but it is just a small patch down a bit from her shoulder area. It seemed a little raw like the last time so immediately I put on the antibiotic cream and it seemed to help but that was a week ago and now she seems today to have runny stool. I don't know if it is because of something she ate or if it is all related.  She isn't lethargic at all and she seems to be acting normal.  What is wrong with her and how can I help?
Dear Shelley,

If your vet didn't mention that the bunny is having false pregnancies, then you *definitely* need a vet more experienced with rabbit medicine.  You can find one here:

Unspayed, unbred females have a very high risk of uterine cancer, and the stress of constant false pregnancies can take a toll on her health in other ways.  

The runny stool may or may not be related to the false pregnancy, but this is important to read for any bunny "parent" with this problem:

The most common causes of cecal dysbiosis are incorrect diet:

and undetected dental problems:

Hope this helps.


Dear Shelley,

Chronic bouts of runny stool are a sign of a cryptic health problem, as manifested by cecal dysbiosis.  It's important for any bunny "parent" with this problem to read this:

The most common causes of cecal dysbiosis are incorrect diet:

and undetected dental problems:

A good rabbit vet can check her molars to be sure that's not the problem--or to fix it, if it is.

Hope this helps.
