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Part hare Or Jack Rabbit.? Lumppp.?.!

22 9:50:47

I Have A Few Concerns Hereee, My Bunny/Rabby Used To Be Like A Light Caramel Tan/ Brown And Now He's Turning ALil Whiteee. andd His Ears Are Veryy Longg. Lastt, Squishy Likes To Lay On His Side, so Just Noww. I was Petting His Stomach And Felt A Lumpp. For One Thing About The Eaars. My Family And I Both Kinda Think Hes Either Part Hare Or Jack Rabbit Cuz His Ears. And We Dont Know About His Fuur colorr. And This Lumpp, What Could It Bee.?

Dear Nirvana,

A baby rabbit is usually quite lean, and it's often easy to feel internal organs such as the liver and kidney.  This is probably the lump you are feeling, so don't be rough!

If you got your bunny from a pet store, then he's not part hare.  He just looks that way because babies often go through a stage when they have comparatively long ears as they grow.  This will change as he reaches maturity.

For all the best information on caring for your bunny, please go to:

I hope this helps.
