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pregnant rabbitt

22 10:45:37

hi my husband let my male rabbit loose with my female rabbit onlt for a minute or two and we caught them together so i pulled him off that was about 3-4 weeks ago i went to her cage this morning to let her out she is perfectly fine but she seems to have made a nest with the hay and her fur and there is a little blood on the sawdust so i checked her bits and there is blood there could she or be ready to give birth and i havnt touched the nest because i know your not supposed to thanks emma .

Hi Emma,

I don't know how much blood signals a problem with a birth.  Considering rabbits do not have a great deal of blood, either in general, or to lose, I would watch her extremely carefully, especially if she is still bleeding.

If she appears weak or you find her collapsed you need to get her to the vet immediately.

Pregnancies last about 30 days.  Count back to the day they were together and you'll have a good idea when the newborns will arrive.
